While getting a handle on all your outstanding debts and loans is always advisable, debt consolidation or debt refinancing isn’t always straight forward and without caution, may not put you in a better financial position.
It is wise to start by talking to your lenders and service providers – it may be possible to sort out a repayment plan that is more manageable. In terms of any loan products, all lenders have programs to help you in tough times, which you can find out more about by asking to speak to their hardship team about a hardship variation. Ensure you understand any late payment fees or interest charged on these negotiated payments.
If you’ve decided refinancing is your best bet, this is where it can get more complex, and where the team at Freedom Finance WA can help. Our business and passion is taking the stress out of finances and helping people make the most of the money they have. We speak lenders language, and we know what to ask to help you weigh up and find the most suitable products. We can answer your questions, and most importantly, take the stress out of refinancing. Even better – we come to you, obligation and fee free.
The ATO cautions not all companies claiming they can help free you from debt are equal, and some can leave you worse off. They recommend you avoid companies who make unrealistic promises, such as being able to get you out of debt no matter how much you owe. They also recommend avoiding companies who:
· are not licensed
· ask you to sign blank documents
· refuse to discuss repayments
· rush the transaction
· won't put all loan costs and the interest rate in writing before you sign
· arrange a business loan when all you need is a basic consumer loan.
Our team is licensed and enjoy a well-earned reputation for working tirelessly to ensure we identify and recommend the most suitable loan products, but to ensure you understand what each product offers and what it means for your finances moving forward. We welcome questions and pride ourselves on transparency in every transaction. Visit our website to read our client testimonials and book an obligation free consultation on how we can help your personal circumstances.
Freedom Finance WA is a proud member of the
Mortgage & Finance Association of Australia and the
Mortgage & Finance Association of Australia, so we're well equipped to help you refinance after a rough year.